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Hajdúszoboszló, the historic city

Today we know Hajdúszoboszló for its most famous spa. Indeed, a burst of healing springs from under the city made it nationwide, in fact, also known internationally. However, we can find interesting and special events in its history, which to this day define its image.

Manapság a fürdőzni és gyógyulni vágyók tömegeit vonzza Hajdúszoboszló télen és nyáron. The Golden Apartment for families with small children, perfect accommodation for both the elderly and the younger age group, if you want to spend a shorter or longer vacation in Hajdúszoboszló. Here it is, some interesting facts, what we may not have known about our favorite spa town so far!

The countryside has been inhabited for thousands of years

Archaeological finds testify to this, that the site of the city was already in the Kr. e.-i III. there were also permanent settlements in the millennium. It was also an inhabited place during the migration, as it is located at the confluence of favorable geographical and trade routes. It has provided accommodation to the Huns throughout history, vandaloknak, for gepids, both Goths and Avars.

Medieval memories

1705-The first written record was written in, I. In the time of Géza, then the date of the next document 1214: Szoboszló is mentioned here as a priesthood village. 1 XIV. In the 16th century, the village was owned by the Debreczen family, and in the future it usually belonged to the owners of Debrecen.

A XVI. From the second half of the 19th century, difficult times greeted the inhabitants of Hajdúszoboszló. 1552-in the Turks raged, therefore, a large part of the population fled. 1594-and in Crimean Tatar army destroyed the whole area. The population of Szoboszló fled, who failed, they were killed by the barbarian conquerors.

The warlike city of Hajdú

A XVII. century brought a boom to the city, because the Hajduks had been accommodated. For this reason, the settlement was given the adjective "Hajdú". The Hajduks were soldiers of the Bocskai War of Independence, probably kunok. 1606-in, they were resettled in place of the exterminated population. They received land and nobility from the prince, thus the six cities of Hajdú were established, of which Szoboszló became a leader.

The hairdressers, due to their former way of life, they formed a characteristic military settlement. It was turned into a fortress, which remains of the medieval church, it was surrounded by a wall and a moat. The military past was also evident in their daily way of life, and the princes regularly called them into battle for centuries to come. II. They also fought alongside György Rákóczi, but unfortunately in 1660, in revenge for their fight against the Turks, they rushed down and burned the city to dust.. Residents were killed or chained. The fight against the Turks is still remembered today with the custom of “New Year’s Eve conversation”.

Hajdúszoboszló will not give up

He rose from his dust in three years, and again became a significant settlement. They took part in the Rákóczi War of Independence on the prince's side, 1709-and he was plagued by a plague. Later the Tartar invasion, then another plague and floods came. Nevertheless, the rest of the population has always gathered itself, so the city survived.

A XVIII. In the 16th century, Hajdúszoboszló also embarked on the path of industrialization, and after the Compromise, the period of construction began. It was then that the first industrial plants were established, but we can still say, that a XIX. It had a characteristic agricultural image by the end of the 19th century.

A 20. At the beginning of the 19th century, the cult of Kossuth and respect for the Hajduks also remained alive. More in World War I., more than a thousand inhabitants of Hajdúszoboszló died, and the subsequent Romanian occupation also caused serious damage.

The turn of Hajdúszoboszló

There has been a huge turning point in the history of the city, when in 1925 calorific natural gas burst from the ground, and as a result another treasure: a 73 degree thermal water. That's when the process of becoming a spa town began.

For the first time, the locals began to bathe regularly in warm water, and several noticed, that their musculoskeletal problems decreased. It was then that people from other settlements began to pour in as well. 1926-In 2006, the management performed a chemical analysis of the water. It turned out, that it contains about twenty kinds of minerals, because of this, or can be classified as medicinal water due to its temperature.

The quality of the medicinal water is still excellent today. It is no accident, that one of the most popular spas in Hungary is the spa and beach bath in Hajdúszoboszló.

Visit this rich-historic city of Hajdú, relax yourself, and book accommodation in the Golden Apartment!